Jintropin® HGH is researched, developed and manufactured independently by GeneScience Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd (GenSci).
Jintropin® HGH is came from the up-to-date Recombinant DNA technology in E.coli secretion expression system, human growth hormone protein folding and the top technique of ferment and purification.
Jintropin® HGH is identical to the human natural growth hormone in amino acid sequence with 191 amino acids and three-dimension structure.
Jintropin® HGH is with the outstanding characters of High Bio-activity and High purification, qualified to EP/USP/CP/WHO standard.
Jintropin® HGH is a famous r-hGH (Recombinant Human Growth Hormone) with proved high quality, which is being widely used in China domestic market and exported to a few others countries.
Jintropin® offered goes in 50 IU kits. The minimum amount to order is 150 IU (3 kits). Mind, please, the maximum discount for Jintropin® is limited by 12%* (*for orders over 1500 usd) regardless the quantity you buy.
Each kit can be verified at